2025 Ducks
Our Ducks arived late January and will be just over 10 weeks or 2 1/2 months old, as of our first Open Coop Day/Hen Sale.
We have multiple breeds avilible within this assortment including. . .
- Rouens
- Pekins
- Khaki Campbells
- Dark Cambells
- Blue Swedish
- Cayugas
- Saxony
- Buff
- Runners
- Anconas
As an assorted page we are currently unable to guarntee breed selection.
They will be fully feathered at this point in time and roughly 2/3rds of their adult size . Ducks grow quicker then chickens though take a few weeks longer to start laying eggs. All ducks were purchased as sexed females and we've checked them ourselves as well.
Ducks lay eggs that are 1 1/2 to 2 times the size of chicken eggs and have a more waxy coating. Their eggs also vary in color with many being white and cream to some more unique colored eggs being a pale blue. Some Cayugas lay charcoal colored eggs. With proteins differing some people who are alergic to chicken eggs may be able to eat duck eggs. Duck eggs might also be favored in baking projects with a higher yolk volume.
In mixed species flock settings, where ducks are kept alongside chickens we have found it is best to keep their waterers outside, weather permiting, as ducks love to make a splash. Another concern of attempted coupling can be avoided by having only female ducks.